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The Juice Plus Children's Health Study

Juice Plus+® Children's Health Study

We're not paying enough attention to nutrition.

As parents, we work hard to give our children every possible advantage in life. Yet too often we don't have the time (or don't make the time) to look after their nutritional health. We're too busy. We don't completely understand what eating right means ourselves. And we're battling some pretty formidable enemies such as junk food and fast food.

As a result, our children eat and drink too much sugar, consume too many empty calories, and don't eat enough of the good things they need - especially fresh fruits and vegetables. Because of this, our children will be at risk of developing degenerative diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and stroke at a much younger age.

Here are a few of the startling statistics:

  • Less than 7% of all children and adolescents consume the recommended 3 servings of vegetables per day.
    (Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine)
  • 1 child in 4 is obese.
    (International Journal of Obesity)
  • Nearly 50% of obese adolescents remain obese as adults.
    (International Journal of Obesity)
  • About 6% of elementary school children and 7% of adolescent children miss 11 or more days of school yearly due to illness or injury.
    (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)
  • In the last 20 years, Type 2 diabetes has increased ten-fold.
    (International Journal of Obesity)
  • By the age of 12, an estimated 70% of our children have developed the beginning stages of hardening of the arteries.
    (Bogalusa Heart Study)
  • 7% of school age children are diagnosed as ADHD.
    (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)

We're not paying enough attention to good nutrition and our children are paying the price.

Juice Plus+® Children's Health Study is dedicated to improving the state of children's health and nutrition around the world through its research and educational programs.


The Juice Plus+® Children's Health Study

The Juice Plus+® Children's Health Study is a large-scale, multi-year health survey designed to help determine what effect adding a whole food based nutritional product (Juice Plus+®) to the family diet can have on the health and well-being of children ages 4-18 and full-time undergraduate college students 19 and above.

To meet survey parameters and provide as broad a base of information as possible, we hope to enroll thousands of families from around the world who have children ages 4-18 and full-time undergraduate college students 19 and above.  As an incentive to encourage families to participate, the child's Juice Plus+® product will be provided for free, as long as a parent, grandparent, or other adult begins taking the product along with the young person. The requirement reflects the importance we place on parental support and involvement. It will also help ensure the high survey response rate, which should lead to more meaningful results.

For additional information, visit the Juice Plus+
® Children's Health Study website at

To sign up for the study and have a child receive Juice Plus+® for Free for up to 3 years contact:

Tammi Copelli, RN

email: [email protected]

Phone: 770-840-7209

or go to:


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2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


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2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 1:00 pm / Afternoon appointment only






  • "If you are looking for a regular doctor, then don't go to Dr. Copelli. He is far above the average doctor as his knowledge in his field goes beyond what you expect from a physician. You will gain valuable insight to your health with just one visit. Try out his practice and you will see for yourself. Get healthy from the inside out."
    Helen B.